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Meet the Team - Lizzie Lack

Lizzie Lack, Leasing & Finance Manager

Quickfire Q&A with…Lizzie Lack, Financing Manager – ITW Leasing & Finance


A self-professed food enthusiast, Lizzie Lack is the Financing Manager for ITW Leasing and Finance - a dynamic role that intersects multiple divisions. With an original ambition of pursuing law, Lizzie found herself a home at Hobart, where she has been a mainstay for the past for 13 years. Outside of work, you can find Lizzie crossing off a range of cheeses from the office scratch map, or indulging in one of many all-you-can-eat steakhouses.

To celebrate the anniversary of the ITW Leasing & Finance department, we sat down with Lizzie to share her thoughts on everything from finance to food, offering a glimpse into the life of one of Hobart's most energetic and well loved team members.

In one sentence, how would you summarise your role at Hobart?                     

Finance Manager for ITW Leasing and Finance - It’s a very unique position. It’s a cross over of multiple divisions so it has to be dynamic, it’s not the same thing every day.

How long have you been in your role?                

I’ve been in this role for 8 years, and at Hobart for 13 years in total.

Why do you love being a part of the Hobart team?

It’s the people – we have a little family here. You spend more time with the people at work than at home, so it’s great to work around such nice people, and work well together. You’ve always got people around you for support.

What’s your favourite Hobart product and why?

The High Speed Steamer – the food that comes out of it is amazing. I’m mainly a meat person, but the veg that comes out of that pressure steamer – I’d be happy to maintain a vegetarian diet for the rest of my life! It’s a unique bit of kit, to watch food be cooked in seconds and it still looks and tastes great. Whenever there's a demo, I run down there bang on lunchtime and the team are always expecting me.

Tell us something about you that not many people know?                 

I’ve done a few things that fit well into my personality and my job – I once came 2nd in a UK maths competition, and I’ve also played at the World Series of Poker in Vegas - and came 91st out of over 4000 people. But I think the most interesting one is that I did a sky dive in Vegas at 13,000ft!

What’s the best meal of your life, and why?

Casamia in Bristol. They were a customer of ours and we had the chef’s tasting menu which included a parmesan bomb. It was huge, but you had to put the whole thing in your mouth, and it exploded full of cheese. I definitely have a soft spot for cheese.         

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