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ITW - Illinois Tool Works

Illinois Tool Works was founded in 1912 and is a highly diversified corporate group producing engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products. The group's product range includes systems and consumer goods for consumer and industrial packaging, electrical equipment and welding machines.

The company has been focusing on giving its products an added value and creates innovative solutions for customers for more than a century. Today, Illinois Tool Works or ITW is a Fortune 200 company and employs more than 50,000 people in 56 countries. Headquartered in Glenview, Illinois. Group turnover amounted to USD 14,8 billion in 2018.  


Food Equipment Group is one of the seven ITW business segments


ITW’s Food Equipment segment designs and manufactures advanced warewash (dishwashing), cooking, refrigeration, and food processing equipment and provides service for institutional, industrial, restaurant, and retail customers around the world. ITW’s food equipment businesses are highly branded with industry-leading positions differentiated by innovation and unique, integrated service offerings. These well-known brands meet the needs of their global customers by focusing on the industry’s most critical issues and trends: sustainability, ease of use, performance and on-site service.

